Will I get into University of Miami?

<p>I found out that I’m 10 points off of consideration for the $16k scholarship. Fuaaarrrkk, needed a 1350! I would be considered for an $8k collegiate scholarship with my stats though. </p>

<p>Hopefully I can get the score up, the 1990 somewhat disappointed me. Glad to know that I can likely get into the U, I think I’ll really like it.</p>

<p>That section of the website you were looking at in terms of what scholarships you would be eligible for is severely outdated. Those scholarships don’t exist anymore; they have a flexible University Scholarship that is basically tailored to your specific case in terms of the amount of money. They look at your application holistically, so you’re not cut off from any set amount solely based on your SAT/ACT or GPA.</p>

<p>I see. Well I hope I get some kind of scholarship then.</p>

<p>Im a transfer student and applied for the spring term 2014.
Still got 9 more classes to complete before my AA.
Current GPA: 3.56,
Ex Activities: SGA, Surf Club, Homework Help
Work Exp: worked 1 year, straight out of highschool, will complete my AA in 18 months</p>

<p>My D will be a freshman next month. She got in EA with 32 ACT and about 3.6 GPA from one of the top public schools in Mass but no merit money at all😢. Good luck!</p>

<p>I am entering senior year of high school</p>

<p>Unweighted gpa-3.775
weighted gpa-3.84
4.0 grading scale
Class rank- not sure, but between top 15 and 20 percent. Competitive school academics</p>

<p>ACT score-30, but intend to take it again
Haven’t taken SAT, under impression that you can take ACT or SAT</p>

<p>no AP courses taken yet, but taking 3 AP courses senior year. Took 3 honors courses sophomore year, 2 courses junior year
AP chemistry
AP physics
AP Calculus</p>

Water polo- freshman, sophomore, and junior years
Boys swim team- Sophomore and junior years
Lumberjack club- co president since sophomore year
Employed as baseball umpire since june 2010
20 hours of community service</p>

<p>I am also applying for the school of engineering if that will make any significant difference</p>

<p>teenbodybuilder will def get into umiami and Georgetown. a 1990 is EXCELLENT! It is in the top percentiles! Will def get into a top college with the 8 ap course load and terrific sat.</p>

<p>Not sure about GTown. Everything just seems a little below average for it. My dad has a very high ranking position there, so he may be able to pull some strings.</p>

hey guys I need some help. I am
also trying to get into University of Miami. it is my #1 choice for a school and I don’t want to go anywhere else and I will do whatever I can to get in. I have not taken my SAT’s yet but I will be this next month. but my unweighted gpa is a 3.5 and my weighted is a 4.3 on a 4.0 scale. I have taken a large sum of dual enrollment classes an received an A for every class I’ve taken earning a 4.0 GPA at my community College. my courses have been rigorous. since my freshman year all of my courses are honors or higher. this year I am taking all honors and 1 AP and next year senior year I will be taking 4 AP’s and 2 honors. if I get a really good or a relatively good SAT score and have an awesome essay do you guys think I would have a good shot at getting in. I really am willing to do anything I can to get into UM

@christyjack1249 Can you please make a new discussion for this? This is a very old thread, it’s better to make a new one.

Did you ever get in ?

Were you able to get accepted?

Because I am a junior now and am willing to do anything to get in to UM.