will i get into Virginia Tech engineering school?

<p>I have a 3.38 average.
FR: 3.04, SOPH: 3.04, JR: 3.42, SR:4.0
SAT: 2020 770 Math, 650 Reading, 600 Writing
Im in state in VA.</p>

<p>I took 5 Aps, AP euro:2 Ap calc AB: 5 Ap eng: 4 Ap psych: 4 Ap calc BC: 4</p>

<p>I played soccer for 3 years, track 2 years.
150 hours Community service.</p>

<p>The only one that can answer your question is the admissions office. Are you a shoo-in? No - because of the grades. But grade scales differ so much between school systems with some getting bonuses for AP/honors. You will find out soon enough. If you are dead set on going to VT, and don’t get in, keep in mind that you may be able to transfer in from another university later. Just get good grades wherever you go.</p>

<p>Your grades and SAT are low BUT our son, who is a VT FR in the ENG program, had a friend in high school in a similiar situtation (SAT’s were a higher, though). He was offered acceptance into VT but not into ENG. However, there was a final shuffle and he was offered a spot into ENG. So I guess I’m saying that if you are accepted in VT but not into ENG, you may still have a chance. Not to count on that, but it did happen to one young man that I know personlly.</p>

<p>is your gpa weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>Your SAT scores are perfectly fine for VT, GPA is a low though.</p>

<p>This thread is from January. The OP has received an answer by now, has chosen a university, and is happily getting ready to head to college in August.</p>