Will I get my admission rescinded from UCSD for a D in my senior year?

So I got accepted to UCSD for Economics and is planning to go there. But I got a D in my first semester senior year in my Dual Enrollment US History class. I did have a extenuating circumstance since I came back to my home country China due to covid and I had to stay up until 6:30 in the morning to attend school everyday. That had a great impact on my health and I also went through some minor depressions to, which significantly affected my academic performance. I have leveled down to regular US History for my second semester and is expected to finish with an A. I getting all As and 1 B in all my other class(with multiple AP classes too) and had a unweighted GPA above 3.3. But I am worried that that grade of D is going to get me rescinded because I need to pass it to fulfill my A-G. I plan to also take an additional semester of US History through an online HS to make up for that grade. I have already updated my portal and wrote them an email to inform them about my situation, but they have not responded yet. Will my admission get rescinded!!! I am really worried

You have already correctly contacted the school. I would ask your counselor to support/communicate the circumstances with a follow-up letter/phone call.

A D can be grounds for rescission, but schools also understand the challenges of the current environment. The best advice is to get out in front of it, as you have. Depending on how long it has been since your communication (2 weeks?), I would reach out to them by phone.

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I can’t really call them right now since I’m still in China, but I can probably ask my counselor to write them a letter.


Can you update how did it end up for you? Did keep the offer or rescind it?

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This discussion thread is 2 years old and OP has not been back since their original post. Closing this discussion. If you want an update, I suggest you sent a PM to see if OP is still active.