Will I get my offer of admission rescinded?

I recently got accepted to GWU with a presidential scholarship (22K) and I also got admitted into the women’s leadership program however my first semester I got an F in one of the online college courses I was taking because I mistook the due date for my final exam which was worth a majority of my grade and my professor did not allow for me to take it late. If I send a letter to admissions explaining this circumstance will it be enough to prevent them from rescinding my offer of admission?

I also am retaking the course for grade forgiveness. But the F will still be in transcript.

In my years on this forum, I’ve actually never heard of someone’s offer getting rescinded. However, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone getting an F their senior year. With that said, I think that it’s wise to retake it. How the original grade will be judged by GW, however, I do not know. I don’t think it’s worth stressing because what is done is done. Just keep your nose clean and do a better job this second time around. Good luck!