Will I get rescinded from UCD?

Hi, I just got accepted into UC Davis yesterday, and I checked my conditions of admission.
It says I need to get an A for one of my major preparation courses. If I get B or a worse for that class, Will Davis cancel the offer? I’m a comp science major.

@Gumbymom will this student get rescinded for getting a B?

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If the conditions of admission state you need an A in the course then it is possible to have your acceptance rescinded. Are you sure your conditions of admission are correct? I have heard of several schools that stated anything less than a B is an issue but not less than a A. I would contact admissions to confirm and clarify.


Yeah, I’m sure my conditions are correct because, on assist.org, it says I need to have GPA 3.4 for the Engineering Computer Science field. My school has three articulated courses for that field, and I currently have grades A and B, so to satisfy the minimum of 3.4 in that field, I have to get an A. However, the remaining math class is going terribly, and I don’t think I can get an A in that class. I’m really nervous…

Would you still meet the 3.4 GPA in those courses if you got an A- or B+?

My school has an ABCD grading system, so there is no A- or B+. If I get less than 90% in total, I will get a B. I have no choice but to get an A…

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Wow that’s tough. Wishing you the best of luck. Do you have any other UC offers just in case?

I have some offers though, UCD is one of my wishing schools. So, yeah, I’ll do my best.

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This is not quite relevant to my question though, if I get a B in that class and explain to them why, will they consider a situation? My classmates have been already reporting him to the math department to make him improve his class quality, and he is the only one teaching that class in my school…

I would call UC Davis admissions and ask if you do not meet the admission conditions will my acceptance be rescinded. Only admissions can tell you for sure. Posters on CC can only speculate and each student’s situation is different.

Ah, I see. thank you so much. I really appreciate you Gumbymom. You are the most kind.


You are welcome and please update if and when you get an answer for future applicants. :crossed_fingers:everything works out.

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Don’t do this.

Blaming the instructor never comes off well. First of all just about every student doing poorly is going want to blame someone else. Maybe it’s really true here but Davis isn’t going to run an investigation to find out. You’ll just sound like so many others.

Second, even at as lofty a school as Davis they know that some of their instructors are not great. They want students that can rise to the challenge and they’re going to see this as your opportunity. They’re going to wonder what you did to master the material. Did you set up study sessions with fellow students? Go to office hours? See if an engineering society at school offered tutoring? Look online at Khan Academy or other online sites for math tutorials? Get a problem-solver guide with answers and practice on your own?

If you do contact Davis what they want to hear is you accepting responsibility for your grade in the class, explaining what you’ve done to try to get the grade they asked for and what you plan on doing between now and the end of the semester.

I see. You are definitely right. I’m now doing self-study like watching Khan Academy or reading materials, but I will try to do study sessions or something to get my grade up. No matter what grade I will get, I’ll do my best as much as I can now :+1: Thank you so much for your advice!

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Glad to hear you’re working on it!

I wanted to mention another resource. REA Problem Solver guides exist for many areas of math, chem, physics, etc. Most are out of print but you can find copies on Amazon for just a few dollars. They are like SAT prep books for their subject with thousands of worked examples. You cover the answer, give it a try, check, then repeat until you’re solving them easily.

Also be sure you’re spending enough time. A rule of thumb for math/science classes is up to 3 hours outside of class for every hour in class to read the chapters, do the homework, do extra practice problems. So from the start of the semester you should have been spending up to 9 hours a week on this class alone. When you’re at Davis many classes will take this much work and some CS classes take even more.

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I ended up with a C in that class and I received an admission cancellation warning from the admission two days after I updated my final grades for the spring semester. However, they gave me a chance to explain why I got a C, and I submitted it about a month ago. Today, I got an email that they allowed me to maintain my admission status.
Thanks so much to everyone on this thread for their advice to me.
I hope this helps future applicants.


Thanks so much for circling back with the good news update!