Will I get rescinded from UIUC if I have one "D"?

I’m a second-semester senior who got accepted into UIUC for English. I’ve gotten through high school with mostly A’s and B’s, and I’ve never had anything lower than a C. However, this semester, I think I’m going to end AP Calc AB with a D. All of my other classes are still A’s and B’s, and pretty much all of them aside from one are also AP classes. Will I get rescinded or put on academic probation?

What does your acceptance terms state?

I can’t find anything specific but usually D is not tolerated. Talk to school counselor for advice. Talk with your teacher to see how to improve and if you can do any extra credit or somehow bring up the grade. It’s not on them to give you a passing grade it’s on you to earn it. Good luck.

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Policies & Procedures, Undergraduate Admissions, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

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UIUC states students can be rescinded for “negative changes in academic performance in courses listed as in-progress on the application for admission”.

It sounds like having a talk with your teacher to see if there’s any way to bump that grade up to at least a C might be a good idea. If you’ve been putting in the effort, asking for help with material you don’t understand and generally communicating with your teacher, the teacher may be inclined to help you out.

Follow the advice that others have given you, but I doubt that an isolated D is going to change anything. What IUIC cares about is your overall GPA, test scores, and class rank. All of that is pretty much baked in at this point.

I agree with knowstuff….speak with your HS GC to decide how to handle this. If you don’t have adequate HS counseling, I strongly encourage you to talk with (not email only) someone in admissions and give them a heads up about the D…you want to avoid them being surprised when they receive your final transcript.