Will I get Rescinded from USC?

Here is a timeline of events:
In September, I reported that I would be taking both Dual Enrollment Pre-Calculus as well as Ethnic studies during the spring.

In November, I drop Ethnic studies, an elective, in order to better focus on my more rigorous classes

In December class registration for the spring semester at my community college opens and I am unable to register for pre-calculus. I feel stupid and embarrassed but go about my life enrolling the other DE classes I planned to take.

I want to take initiative by enrolling in both ethnic studies and pre-calculus this summer, and I am planning on emailing my admissions counselor when I finish registering for classes. Am I still screwed?

You are not screwed but why are you letting the colleges know now that the classes you listed aren’t being taken?

Now - Ethnic Studies - no clue -but guessing not impactful.

Pre Calc - depending on major could be a huge issue.

You need to contact your admission counselor right now - and be very clear - these two were listed on your app and you are not taking them. You’d like to in the summer.

Don’t provide excuses - bottom line is - you didn’t take them.

Good luck.