Will I get rescinded if I have one C

Senior year first semester I got one C. All my classes were weighted and I had 2 As and 2 Bs to go along with it. Is there a chance I get rescinded?

For UCB and UCLA, as long as you maintain an unweighted 3.0 GPA in your senior year, you are okay. For the other UC’s, you are fine if you maintain a 3.0 weighted GPA.

If you had received a request for supplemental information (which requests for your expected grades the 1st semester of the senior year in addition to answering some short questions) from an upper tier UC during the period December through January, the “C” would be viewed negatively. I have not heard of applicants receiving supplementals requests (except for some posting in this site in the UCD section) and the window period is almost passed.

Thank you. I have not received any supplemental review thus far. I was just paranoid more than anything. Thank you for clearing this up for me.