Will I Get Rescinded With 1 F and 6 A'S?

I am a senior and already got accepted into Purdue University’s Aeronautical Program (6th ranking in the whole nation), one of my reach schools. I am currently still waiting for other/more replies. I currently have a F in AP Calculus, but all my other 6 grades are A’s. Will I get rescinded? I am very worried. Thank you.

You will most likely get rescinded for an F.

I’m sitting on a fence right now and I might be able to get a D. Will a D also most likely get me rescinded? My counselor said I can retake the course online and finish by the time I graduate high school for a new grade. I’m trying to see if that’s something I’ll need to do. I plan on calling the admission offices of the schools I applied to to see what they say.

You are going to have to do calc 1 in your first semester in engineering. I would think about the whys of the math problem. Calc for engineers is going to hurt way more than calc AB at a one year pace.

If the admissions office cannot give you a definitive answer, I would follow the advice of your counselor while you still have time to complete the course.

Check with your guidance counselor, especially if you are instate and/or they know the schools. Another factor is if you get admitted to the university as a whole or your admission to the school is major specific.

I would not worry about your HS knowledge of calculus as you most likely would need the U’s particular version anyhow. You also still have time to figure out what you need to learn and to do well on the AP exam, which will prepare you for the more rigorous college version. Not all HS’s offer AP calculus it likely is not a requirement for admissions.

The big question would be if the U would question your ability to do their college work- the other A’s may make a difference. At least it is not a course you need to graduate from HS.

Your school lets you REPLACE grades completely? Wow.

You’re going to have to call Purdue and ask. What major are you going into? Why is the Calc grade so low to begin with? That could be a concern if you’re going into a STEM field which requires more math…

I would ask your school counselor to intervene on your behalf, because a D or F is grounds for being rescinded. You need a course of action to satisfy the college and without your counselor, you won’t be very credible. You also need to meet with your teacher and discuss tutoring, extra help, whatever it takes. Getting a D is not good, and an F can be disastrous. Talk to your counselor today.

Purdue engineering is known for its weeding in freshmen year. If you have trouble in AP Calc, you would be very volunerable. Find out why you do poorly in AP Calc and see if you can overcome it.

@juniel: You should be very concerned about getting rescinded. Our high school guidance counselors have always told us that a “D” will get your offer of admission rescinded.

I have straight A’s, except for AP Calculus. I have a borderline F/D in AP Calculus AB. The other classes I’m taking and am getting A’s in are Senior Honors English, Nanotechnology, AP Photography, AP US Government, and a Teaching Academy program (weighed as 2 periods/courses). I’m worried that my one F in AP Calculus may get me rescinded. I already got accepted in Purdue University directly into my wanted Aeronautical Engineering major. I talked to my counselor and she said she doesn’t know the Purdue’s rescind policy specifics, but said that if I must, I’ll need to retake the first semester online before I graduate high school. Will my one F get me rescinded? What will happen? Thank you.

I ended up with a 69.7 in AP chem this past semester. My major is currently health and human sciences. Because I was just recently admitted, I called the admissions office and asked about the low grade. I was told as long as you only have one low grade and it improves the next semester they usually won’t rescind. My bf also got a D in pre-calc last year as a senior and is currently on the pre-vet track. Good luck!

@juniel what’s going on with the grade? Have you gotten help/tutoring? I’m concerned that even if you do make it in, you could get crushed in hard math in college and that would be alot of money lost. Only you know why you are struggling. You have to be strong or decent in math to do engineering.

It’s important to know that you have only been admitted to Engineering, not aero. You are admitted to aero based on your grades at the end of your freshman year.