Will I have to restart as a transfer student?

So basically I have to transfer away from my dream school because of financial reasons. Here’s the thing: if I do get into the schools I am now auditioning for, will they accept my credits? Online it says that they’ll have to look over them all and I see no reason why they wouldn’t accept them; my current BFA program checks a lot of the boxes for what the program requirements for the other schools would be. I’m just getting nervous because I see people saying that they might make me start over as a Freshman–I’m a current Sophomore who will be applying as a Junior. My current school doesn’t make people start over so I hadn’t considered that. I’m specifically looking at auditioning to schools in Florida like FSU, UF, and UCF. Does anyone know if they make transfers from other BFA programs restart as Freshman? Thank you :slight_smile:

This is a question for transfer admissions staff at each school you are thinking about applying to. There might be some info on each school’s website, so check that first. But for something as important as credit transferability, I would talk to a transfer admissions officer directly. Either phone or email.


I am sorry that you are having to consider transferring from your current school.

In addition to connecting with the academic transfer admissions staff, also connect with the musical theatre program directly. The transfer admissions staff should be able to answer questions about academic courses that will transfer and what requirements they meet at the school. They may also know the musical theayre specific policies, but cannot hurt to also reach out to the department. The school may also use an online system where you can enter courses from your current school and see what requirements they will meet at the new school.

Some musical theatre programs require students to complete 4 years in their program regardless of how many semesters already completed at another program. Others may accept first-year work in major classes, but not second year. Each program may have different policies of what they will and will not accept in transfer, and the amount of training they want a student graduating from their program to have gotten from their program.