Will I Have To Take A Language?

<p>Ok so I took Italian from 7th to 10th grade and really hated it. I got like a 90 on the regents in 10th grade which allowed me exemption from taking foreign language at my high school so I immediately dropped. What are Geneseo's language requirements?</p>

<p>Well when you go up for orientation there is a placement test that is optional, if you want to pursue a language class. But placing high on the regents usually exempts you from taking a language course.</p>

<p>How high would it have to be exactly? I just checked and I got an 86 on the regents.</p>

<p>I think it’s 85, which is mastery level.</p>

<p>If you do have to take lang, you can do what my D did. She took her lang at CC at summer school after her first year of college. As long as you pass, you get the credits but it doesn’t go in your GPA.</p>

<p>The only way you could opt out is through a language proficiency exam, which you must score high on to ensure that you dont have to take 3 semesters of language at geneseo. It happens but especially since your rusty it’s SOOO worth it to study to get rid of the burden. Scoring an 85+ without 4 years of language will NOT opt you out of the requirement.</p>