Will I make University of Delaware deadline?

If I submit CA, link SRAR and self report scores by midnight does anyone know if that is all that’s needed to meet their 11/1 deadline?


Those who wish to supply scores can self-report their SAT or ACT scores using the SAT code 5811 or ACT code 0634.

That’s a confusing statement / they say can self report but provide CB code so it seems they want official score report if reporting scores. That’s how I read it.

I don’t know about the University of Delaware specifically, but every school my son has applied to through the common app, he has had to have access to the portal to link the SRAR and do the detailed self report of scores. He has never gotten access to the portal before the next day. For some schools it has been 48 hours or more.

Does Delaware require that all of that material be in before the deadline? Or do they just require that you have submitted the Common App portion?

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Yeah, I don’t recall how long it takes to get their portal link.
However, I believe you can complete SRAR directly at the SRAR link by using the common app account email. And add school to link directly from there if you don’t get the portal link right away. I think as long as you do that, the portal should update in a day or two.

In some instances, when DS had trouble linking SRAR with portal, he was able to add through SRAR site, I think.

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My son was unable to start the SRAR without a link from the first school he applied to that used it. (He tried. It is possible it can be done and he missed something, though.)

that’s all done thankfully because it was used for several other schools.
now that CA has been sent it can easily be linked once UD sends the portal.

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yea, those are all my questions…CA has been sent and certainly met the 11:59PM deadline, just not sure what the deadline is for when the counselor materials need to be in by and the SRAR linked but you can’t link the SRAR until you set up portal.

I’m hopeful it all jives and meets the EA deadline, if not no biggie.

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Well if you’ve done SRAR for other schools, it can’t hurt to try to go to SRAR site directly and add UDel from there. It might say you have to go to portal to link or it might not.

yes have done that it just needs to be linked which I need the UD portal to make it complete.
just a waiting game right now.
certainly a lil frustrating that the school’s site does not even have these details as an faq like other schools do. can’t find a clear answer about counselor material deadlines and such vs just the CA deadline.

I’m sure it will work out. You can always try contacting SRAR help using form below (they have been able to quickly link schools on their end for a few schools when we ran into issues).


For counselor materials, I would think is long as sent by deadline, it should be fine.

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Found this on their website under FAQ:
“ When the SRAR is complete and linked to your UD application, it should appear as received in your student portal within a few business days. All deadlines are considered met when SRAR is completed and submitted by the due date, no matter when we receive it.

So you should be good.

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it’s showing as sent in SRAR but I clearly can’t link it without the portal and -
you can’t link to the portal until UD sends the link sooooo
if UD still accepts CA submissions on 11/1 then they should, in theory, accept the SRAR AFTER 11/1 since I am now simply waiting on them to send me an email with portal details.

yes, should not have decided to apply at 3PM this afternoon but it is what it is

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In the SRAR account, next to the college name, if it shows a green check mark, I’m pretty sure it’s submitted/good to go and linked to application. If it shows a yellow triangle, it’s incomplete.

It can’t be considered complete until I get UD to send me a portal link.

So the big mystery is does UD still accept CA on 11/1 or not because if you can still submit the CA on 11/1 then clearly one cannot link SRAR until UD then sends a portal link. Until UD sends a portal link it’s clearly going to be yellow. It’s obvious that should they feel the 11/1 deadline was not met they just move application into RD.

Got portal and it says this:

Complete your application by 11:59 p.m. EST on November 15 for early action consideration.

Everything has been completed. We GOOD!

Thanks all - it’s been a wild 24 hrs.


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