Will I still be admitted even though I failed...?

I happened to not pass my Statistics class at my community college (SRJC), I was accepted at SSU for this spring but now I’m doubtful if I still be admired there? Will I be put on academic probation my first semester there or as soon as winter break is over will I expect to see an email with the bad news of be let go?

Happened? you woke up one day and it just ‘happened’?

Time to step up and

  1. Own the failure: it didn’t happen to you


  1. Telephone admissions at SSU BEFORE they contact you: ‘I failed a course / does that affect my admission status?’

I would get ahead of things and call admissions at the new school to discuss the situation. You can offer to retake the class at your new school in January, or you might offer to defer enrollment and retake it at your current community college. It is going to be up to be up to SSU.

Is there any way to get the failing grade changed to a withdrawal?

I guess “happen” is a poor choice of wording.
I was already struggling in my Statistics class even after hours of studying and time in the math lab I straddled a C/D. In the end I didn’t pass my final exam with a high enough grade to keep my passing grade in class, I’m owning my failure I’m just looking for answers to how I can make up for it.

But thanks for the advice I’ll call in the morning and send an email.