WIll Johns Hopkins revoke my admissions?

as I am writing this I have been accepted to Johns Hopkins through the Early Decision application. I have been having trouble with an online math course, multivariable calculus, that my school provided for me through Johns Hopkins CTY since I was more advanced than any math courses at my high school. I was wondering if I drop the math course will I get an angry message/disciplinary actions from Hopkins? I was not fully introduced to how the math course would work and I was given it after my school’s drop period for last semester. The program sucks and I have to spend most of my time teaching myself useless crap that I will not study in the future. In addition, my school chose to count it just on my transcript so there was no grade for the first semester.
Thank you :slight_smile:

No, but you need to tell them that you are dropping the course. They will compare your final transcript to what courses you listed on the application and they do not like surprises.

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It’s unlikely, but definitely inform them and get their feedback before taking any action. Don’t assume.

I would think it would only be a problem if your high school reports it as part of your grade report. JH CTY doesn’t provide reports to Admissions as far as I know from experience. My dd also dropped a CTY calculus class the summer before her senior year. The CTY class was awful and the online instructor was useless.

Can you share responses from JHU?