Will misreporting the name of one of my senior classes hurt my admission?

On the UC App I put that I was taking AP Macroecon both semesters of my senior year. I just found out yesterday that the class is listed on my transcript as “Civ/ Am Gov H” for second semester. I was not aware that there was a change in the course name because it is the same class with the same teacher. I emailed docs@applyucsupport.net yesterday and updated them with this info but I’m kind of worried. I already got into UCSB and UCI, so do I need to contact those schools individually about the course change?

Also, is there a similar email address or form I can complete for the common app?


You will probably have to talk to your advisers when it comes to evaluating your transcripts later on, but i doubt it would hurt you on the admissions side.