<p>I major in music at an arts high school. How big of a plus is this? I'm a junior, and am pretty sure that I'm ranked somewhere in the top 5 out of 800 academically (weighted GPA-wise).</p>
<p>i like how everyone now refers to mollie in the title of their thread…</p>
<p>I really have no basis to answer this question – I didn’t know anybody at MIT who went to an arts high school, and I’ve never seen the question addressed by the admissions officers. I hope somebody else with relevant knowledge will chime in.</p>
<p>I do actually read every thread posted in the MIT forum, so there’s no need to specifically address me in the title.</p>
<p>Like other artists applying to MIT, you can submit a sample of your work. Music is evaluated by the Music Department; visual art is evaluated by the School of Architecture (which houses design/visual arts). If you’re very talented in this area, it’s a “hook,” but you’ll also need to demonstrate strength in math and science and a compelling reason to study at MIT.</p>
<p>I chimed in to this thread because my daughter studied visual art all 4 years in high school, won state and national awards, and was encouraged by her high-school art department to apply to the Pratt Institute and the R.I. School of Design. I think the art department was unhappy that she ended up at MIT. On the other hand, she was also passionate about math and science. She’s now a sophomore at MIT, where she has designed flyers and t-shirts for DEECS, SPS, and other groups. She has also designed two of the admissions posters that go out to applicants admitted EA to MIT. The point I’m trying to make with this story is that MIT clearly benefits from admitting students who bring a range of talents to campus, including strengths in the arts. Without musicians, painters, actors, poets, and other artists the campus would be a pretty dull place.</p>
<p>I do know someone at MIT who attended an arts magnet high school and majored in visual arts.</p>
<p>She also loved science, though, and she is pursuing the arts while majoring in mechanical engineering (with a product design focus).</p>
<p>Oh yes! I forgot to add that my art high school is a magnet high school–which about 500 are in. The other 300 are part of a separate program. Math is my passion, and I have great interests in chemistry. What were your friend’s stats in highschool?
So she is female, has visual arts talent… do you perhaps know her gpa, test scores etc?
Now that i think about it, it’ll be weird if you knew all that off the top of your head… but whatthehek, you’re an MIT student. You guys know lots of stuff.</p>
<p>@JSMGS, MIT’s statistics for students admitted in the class of 2012 can be found here: [MIT</a> Admissions: Admissions Statistics](<a href=“http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/apply/admissions_statistics/index.shtml]MIT”>http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/apply/admissions_statistics/index.shtml)</p>
<p>When you get to MIT, your high school gpa, test scores, and all the prizes/awards you may have won become totally irrelevant. For this reason, I’d be really surprised if MIT students on this thread could recite the statistics of their fellow students. As an applicant, the statistics data on the MIT admissions website provides good information about whether your “scores” are competitive enough for consideration.</p>
<p>When she applied, my daughter was already a competitive applicant in math and science, and the art was probably icing on the cake. She’s currently a course 8 major (physics) with a minor in course 2 (mechanical engineering) and a HASS concentration in visual arts.</p>
<p>Haha, I’m not an MIT student (I went to a summer program there last summer), but I sure wish I will be in about a month…oh EA decisions, please come out soon…</p>
<p>I don’t know her GPA/stats, but they were clearly competitive for a place like MIT.</p>
<p>^was the program MITES?</p>
<p>nope, WTP.</p>
<p>awesome… i would do it if i were female</p>
<p>yeah, that is an important first step to acceptance.</p>
<p>MITES is great, though, and RSI I assume is great. Both camps live in Simmons, though, which is across the fields from the dorms that WTP lives in, and we’re on totally different schedules, so there’s not a whole lot of interaction between the programs.</p>
<p>I really want to do RSI, but I don’t think I’m qualified… I don’t have enough experience. So I’m applying to MITES.</p>
<p>simmons hall is a space waffle!! i did mites this year. APPLY.</p>
<p>how was mites/ how were ur stats/ what made them accept you/ etc ?</p>