Will my admission to UCM be rescinded?

<p>Ok as mid-July comes closer I’m REALLY starting to panic. When I realized I possibly had a D in trigonometry I notified the admissions office and they replied, “Thank you for contacting UC Merced. If you receive a C grade in your Trig/PreCalc course you should be fine. On the other hand, if you receive a D grade and everything else is a C grade or higher you should be okay as well. But we won’t know for sure until we see your final transcript. Please have your final transcript which includes your date of graduation and all your final grades sent as soon as it becomes available to…”</p>

<p>Then I notified them of an official D around June 25th and they sent me an email stating, "We received the transcript you sent showing the “D” grade you earned in “Trigonometry” during Spring 2010. This grade fell short of what is required under your conditions of admission. Therefore we will be reassessing your application and will have a final answer by mid July.</p>

<p>Feel free to contact me if you have further questions."</p>

<p>I felt a bit of hope in the first email but after I received the second email it all came crashing down on me… This is the first D I’ve ever received in any of my classes, and all my other classes remained the same as my first semester grades except a drop from an A to a B in my language class. Anyone know what my chances are right now?</p>

<p>Are the rest of your senior year grades above a 3.0? Have you sent all transcripts on time? Did you by chance take a summer school class to fix the D? Due to budget cuts they are looking for any reason to cut students this year especially if your campus has enrolled more students than they have room for. Make a personal call to the chancellor of admissions or at least the assistant to the chancellor and ask for advice from a decison maker rather than a phone answerer. Maybe even a personal appointment if Merced is close enough to visit.</p>

<p>Merced accepts anyone who had at least a 3.0 GPA in high school. I would be really surprised if they rescind you. Now if it was another UC, you would be rescinded automatically. I heard even UCR is getting strict about senior year grades.</p>

<p>why does everyone slack off in their senior year? that was my most important year to me… i got a 4. 17 bot semesters! ( no i was not a 4.0 student my whole life, i actually had a 1.9 cumulative mid sophmore year) </p>

<p>hope that they have mercy on you, but then again, it is UCM. i really hope that school is more fun than it looks… because it is out of the middle of nowhere</p>

<p>I dont think you will be rescinded because UCM is not as strict as the other UC’s because it wants more people to enroll in the school…But lately UCSC and UCR been alot more strict about senior year grades because they dont even have enough room in their school to accept slackers…We might need another UC lol</p>

<p>lol. I tried to slack off senior year, it ended up being my best year gpa-wise. 4.0 weighted…haha. My gpa to get into college was 3.2…</p>

<p>It’s not that I slacked off… I actually had the 3rd highest grade in the class with a 65% semester grade. Highest passing grade was a 84% lol. i worked my ass off for that class. I scored a 40% on the final[also 3rd highest score] and it dropped me 8%</p>

<p>Sigh…thanks everyone. I sent in everything on time and I notified them prior to graduation date when I found out what my grade was. But by then it was too late to sign up for a summer course anywhere. Hopefully because my major is cognitive science and it doesn’t really require pre-cal they’ll take it not as harshly :(</p>

<p>doesnt require precalc? it probably requires calc. lol. most sciences do</p>

<p>Have you called the chancellor of admissions or his assistant? You need a personal contact that can actually make a decision.</p>

<p>Yeah…Well i was hoping to change my major to psychology which only requires statistics but since i’m technically not in the school yet i can’t change it :frowning: </p>

<p>I called the admissions office as well as the person in charge of admission…She said they’d give me a reply by mid july as stated in the email. I asked her if there was anything I could do and she replied no and that i can only wait for the email. It’s currently mid july and I’m checking my email every hour or so…</p>

<p>Yay. I just got a reply today and I’m not being kicked out :smiley: Major relief on my part!</p>

<p>Great news!</p>