Will my outside scholarships cover my EFC or will it reduce my grants?

Our university’s policy is that it first reduces work study and any loans, and then reduces the grant. What they did for us however was first increase some of her budget items (travel and books), and as a result they did not wind up reducing her grant at all. However, they would not allow the outside grant to reduce her summer earnings expectation.

@AcceptableName that is really disappointing. If you’re thinking of going to Michigan, I would appeal that decision.

We’re the loans subsidized or unsubsidized?


Do you guys know how this happened for these people? I read Brown’s FAQ and they say excess scholarships reduce the university grant. But that didn’t happen here.

Those were outside scholarship which are allowed to exceed tuition IF the scholarship terms so provide. The article mentioned Bright Futures which is a refundable scholarship. Pell grants can be given to the students if all billed amounts are paid for with other grants and scholarships.