<p>Hey everyone! I'm taking the AP Biology exam at 8am this monday and the Physics C exam at 12:00 noon and was wondering if and what if the exams overlap?</p>
<p>Both my AP Chemistry and AP Calculus exams ran until at least 12:20, and if Biology does the same, what happens to my Physics exam? Will they let me reschedule for the make up week or am I out of a testing opportunity? I'm not taking E and M, just Mechanics, but I still want to take the test to gauge myself and I'm afraid that I might study Physics too much this weekend only to have the test rescheduled, leaving my Bio weak. Please help me.</p>
<p>And by the way, I want to make clear that the Physics C exam is important to me even if I can't get credit for it if it's only mechanics, maybe even more important than Bio...</p>