<p>I a permanent resident here but was born in nigeria.
29 Act
5 APs by the end of this year(passed 2 last year)
4.2 cum gpa
2 years Varsity soccer
3 years track by end of year
1 year tennis
Matheletes 4 years
ranked 10th currently at a pub school, but it will probably get better
Would i be considered african american?
And also what will officers think or do when they notice i just turned 17 last month?
In nigeria, schools starts much earlier, so when i came here, i was put back 3 grades, and i was still too young for the grade.</p>
<p>The ACT score is a little bit low, but everything else points towards good news from Ivies. </p>
<p>And I don't think they'll care that you're just 17; I have a friend who's also a senior who turns 17 next Feb. Not really sure why he's in my grade, but I don't think it matters.</p>
<p>What do you mean "Would i be considered african american?" Isn't that pretty easy to figure out...</p>
<p>on most forms, i see a column for black/ african american, but not plain african</p>
<p>Yes, you'd be African-American. Reminds me of when some US television anchor asked a black British swimmer after he had just won the gold medal, "So how does it feel to be the first African-American to win this event?" :)</p>
<p>Your URM status (and I'm not sure whether you'd be considered a URM since you're not a US citizen) will NOT get you into an Ivy. I'm not saying that you're going to be rejected. I'm saying, however, that no one can count on URM status getting them into anything. It can be a tip factor, but that's all.</p>
<p>I don't see any exceptional ECs, and I think that your ACT is not impressive. I'm not saying that you will not get in. I just don't see anything that stands out. My guess is that since you're Nigerian, you'd be compared to other Nigerians, and the ones whom I've seen get into Ivies had stronger ECs and board scores.</p>
<p>If you're interested in getting into an Ivy, however, do apply. No one here can read adcoms' minds, so all of us are simply guessing.</p>
colleges claim URM status to be a "tip", but this rarely occurs. Obviously, there are minorities that are rejected at Ivies. However, your stats would be competitive for the typical URM that is accepted.</p>