Will one C eliminate my chances for UNC-CH OOS?

Ever since I stepped foot onto the Campus years ago, UNC-CH has been the college I have dreamed of going to. Now that I have moved out of NC, my chances of doing so have been decreased greatly. My main concern is that I got a C in Algebra II during my sophomore year. I have gotten all A’s and two B’s in all of my others classes, and my GPA is 3.7 out of 4 (4.2 weighted). I got a 29 on the ACT, and will take again in April. I go to a competitive private school in SC that does not publish class rank. I am taking 4 AP’s this year (junior year is the first year you can take them at my school), and I plan on taking 3 more next year.

My EC’s include:
-National Junior Honor Society
-National Honor Society
-Writer and Admin for website that receives thousands of views
-Beta Club
-Volunteer at TOP Soccer (provides kids w/disabilities to learn and play soccer in a safe environment)
-Volunteer at Blue Skies (weeklong vacation camp for families impacted by cancer)
-Model Arab League (kinda like Model UN, but better)
-Youth In Government (Outstanding Delegation Award)
-Working Part Time at Electronic Asset Recycling
-Varsity Mens Soccer Starter (one of three freshmen to make team)
-Carolina Football Club Soccer Captain and Starter (Basically a travel soccer team)
-Academic Quiz Team
-Tutor Sisters and Brother
-Over 100+ community service hours
-Honor Roll
-Deans List
-Volunteer at Sports Camp for underprivileged kids

Do you think I have a shot?

It’s a reach for most out-of-state students. If your test scores and GPA go up, then you “have a shot,” but that’s about it. Take the SAT, along with the ACT, to see if you perform better on it. My son had a slightly lower GPA, and also got a 29 on his first ACT. His score went up to 31 the second time, and his SAT (2060) was similar (although he performed differently on different sections on each test). He had very strong ECs, also, but was rejected. It was his first choice, but he knew it was a reach.
