*will someone read this essay please?*

<p>hi--i wrote an essay for william and mary, which i already submitted. however, i'd like to use it for another college (maybe georgetown) with a few alterations. can anyone read it and tell me what they think?</p>

<p>the topic is to tell them about yourself.</p>

<p>I'll read it.</p>

<p>I'll read it :)</p>

<p>would love to</p>

<p>something similar to what I did. i'll give some feedback</p>

<p>ill read it! :)</p>

<p>sure, just pm it over</p>

<p><raises hand=""></raises></p>

<p>Sure i'll read it, PM it to me</p>

<p>I can give you feedback from an adult perspective.</p>