Will switching classes affect UC Davis TAG?

I got UC Davis TAG approval yesterday but I have a question.

In my TAG application, I stated I would take BIO6B in next winter term and BIO6C in next spring term.

According to ASSIST, BIO6B and 6C are major prerequisite courses which are pretty hard classes to me.

Fortunately, BIO10 is equivalent to BIO6B and ESCI 20 or 30 are equiavalent to BIO6C.

So, I’m thinking of switching those classes following each terms.

Will switching classes affect my TAG Decision by any chance even if they are equivalent to each other?

seems like the kind of question best answered by Davis admissions. What are you going to do if the guesses people make about what they will tell you turns out to be wrong and your TAG is denied?

I know it is a kinda silly question. I tried to contact TAG rep yesterday but the whole campus closed due to poor air quality. I’m just curious if there is anyone who was in a similar case before.