Will taking algebra twice be bad for college?

<p>In 8th grade i got a C in algebra and i had to do it again freshman year which means when im a senior i will only be in pre-calc instead of calc, is this bad? Im not planning on going to Harvard or anything, im hoping for Ohio state or Miami Ohio.</p>

<p>Of course not. It’s fine. Just keep your grades up.</p>

<p>As an Ohioan, I know tons of people who go to those schools. Retaking won’t hurt you, it’ll probably just make you a stronger student for later mathematical studies.</p>

<p>OK. i was worried because im not sure what public schools normally do because i go to a private, college prep school.</p>

<p>ask to skip Geometry or algebra II so you can take Calculus. Trust me, calculus is really beneficial for future (college wise)</p>

<p>Im in geometry now, Im not sure if my school would allow me to take algebra II over summer or something, but i can ask</p>

<p>Skipping geometry or algebra II to take calculus is an incredibly bad idea. Taking algebra II over the summer is not, especially if the teacher is good.</p>

<p>i failed the an alg 2 course so i have to take it over again. basicly i’m in the same situation but i’m applying to harvard… will it hurt my chances?</p>

<p>Lol, I’ve taken algebra five times. Granted, I passed it the first time with a B in middle school, but my mom was stubbornly insistent that I continually “refresh” my memory. -_-</p>

<p>What a bunch of wasted time. -__-</p>

<p>I don’t think that colleges see 8th grade…do they?</p>

<p>I know Ohio State dosent, but it does not matter if they see because i will be one class behind, i will only do pre-calc instead of calc.</p>



<p>^unless you have a major hook, I’m pretty sure that it will</p>

<p>Not taking calculus in high school won’t be that big of a deal. I took pre-cal in junior year and could have taken calculus if I wanted to, but instead I chose to take a break and took AP Stat instead. I still got into UCI, which ranks as the 44th best national university (Ohio State is 56).</p>

<p>^lol not taking Calc won’t stop you from getting into a good school, but rankings don’t mean much</p>


<p>So i will still have a shot at OSU? My grades are decent with around a 3.4 at a good school but i will have a lot of EC’s and hopefully over around 130-150 service hours</p>

<p>im taking geometry right now and I plan to take a precalc course over the summer I will be a senior so you can do hat f you want to take calculus. But it really wont make too much of a difference just worry about doing well in the classes that your in</p>