Will taking basic/honors math classes lower my chance of getting into a good college?

<p>I'm starting ninth grade next school year, and I'm really worried that since I didn't take Algebra 1 in 8th grade, I'm going to be in basic math classes my whole high school career. Taking Algebra 1 over the summer is also not an option for me, as I have a lot of familial issues and sickness going on, and I simply don't have the time. I really like math, and I would love to take AP math classes in my 11th and 12th grade years, but from what it seems I can't do that.
My 8th grade teachers said Geometry is one of the hardest classes to take online, so my only chance would be to take Alg 2 online before 11th grade, but that still might not put me in that AP class I want to be in. (Calc or Stat)
I'm going to be taking a lot of other AP's in different subjects, but I really want a math class to be one of those. So, the question here: Will taking basic math classes, but still taking AP courses in everything/nearly everything else effect how colleges look at me? </p>

<p>Would it be possible to take two math classes in one year (for example, Geometry and Algebra II) if you got permission? Could you test out of any math classes by taking the final without taking the class? </p>

<p>define “good college”</p>

<p>Is there any way you could take 2 in one year like what I did freshman year was take algebra 1 and acc geometry so that I could take algebra 2 the next year followed by precalc and then ap stats so if you could handle it and have room in your schedule you could just double up!</p>

<p>I will definitely have to look into taking two classes at once. The high school I’m going to works with FLVS and I think that they do allow you do take classes on there as well. I think I might take Alg 1, while also taking Geometry beside it (probably online, but my teacher will probably help me with that.)
I don’t know about testing out, but I will look into that too. Thanks :slight_smile:
(Also, by good college, I mean one that has a good reputation and education system, and will look good in my future.) </p>

<p>Do you have any specific schools in mind? I mean, you can get a good education from many accredited colleges and universities, most of which aren’t all that selective. </p>