<p>So i just graduated high school and im taking Calc I over the summer at a local community college before i go off to college (UIUC). I plan on retaking Calc I once i get to college, so will the grade from the community college still affect my GPA? Im only taking the class to get an idea of what calc is since i didnt take Calc AB in high school. </p>
<p>I dont plan on using any credits that i may get from taking calc at this community college, since im going to retake Calc I at UIUC anyways. Do i even have to send my transcript from this community college to UIUC? I just want to know if it is going to show up on my UIUC GPA.</p>
<p>No, it wont affect your GPA even if you do plan on transferring it over. Keep in mind that you may be required to forward all your transcripts, maybe not to UIUC, but definitely to grad schools so dont take it lightly and get an F.
Also, if you make a passing grade, why wouldnt you use it as transfer credit, assuming of course it does transfer over?</p>
<p>i dont want to use it as a transfer credit because i think that calc at UIUC will be more comprehensive, which will help me in calc II. Also taking it again should make the class an easy A.</p>
<p>I just dont want the grade to transfer, because if it does have to transfer that means i should be working towards getting the best grade i can. (its summer and im lazy lol)</p>
<p>Oh well if youre taking Calc II thats understandable. Is there anyway you could register for the class, drop it, but continue to show up. This way you dont even have to pay for it and you get to learn everything and nothing will be on a transcript.</p>
<p>I think for awhile you’re allowed to audit a class if the professor allows it… that’s basically what hahahahah’s talking about</p>
<p>Ya thankx a lot for the info man. I just audited the class. It costs 50 bucks to audit it on top of like 600 for the class but im just happy i dont have to worry about getting good grades during the summer.</p>