Will taking one standard class not make my schedule for junior year rigorous enough?

Hi, I am a IB Diploma Candidate and this is my schedule for next year
IB English Literature I HL
IB History I HL
IB Business&Management SL -> HL (senior year)
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB French SL
PreCalculus w/Trigonometry

I was wondering if colleges would look down upon the PreCalc because its the only standard course that I have, I’m trying to get into an Ivy League but I know how highly competitive they are. I took standard Geometry freshmen year and got an A, my grade for Algebra 2 would probably be around a B or B+ because I had just transferred out of honors Algebra 2, it was too fast paced for me. I’m taking IB Math Studies senior year, but I could take PreCalc over the summer and take IB Math SL but it might take up a lot of time considering the fact that i’m not the best at math and it takes me a while to understand the concepts. I’m leaning towards a business/law field, but I don’t want to cancel out the chances of a medical field because i’m interested in that also.
Thank you.


No, you are fine. 6 IB classes is a normal load.

Colleges will see what your guidance counselor thinks of your schedule. If he/she puts you in the most rigorous or in rigorous path you should be fine. You should discuss this with him/her.

In either case, your next two years will be extremely difficult and if you’re not confident in math, you’d better consider to take it slow.