Will Tech let me in?

<p>I'm currently attending VCU as a freshman with a declared major for Mechanical Engineering. I am planning to transfer to Tech for Fall 2013. I've looked at all the requirements, and unfortunately, I've fallen short with one.</p>

<p>Intro to Engineering - A
Engineering Lab - A
Math - B
F.I. (University English) - B
Gen. Chem - C
Chem Lab - B or C</p>

<p>Supposedly, I need a B or higher in math and sciences. Will Tech have any leniency, or is there little chance?</p>

<p>Have you already had finals? Virginia Tech has not had finals yet. Is there any way to still get that C up to a B? Good luck with your goal of transferring to Virginia Tech!</p>

<p>About two weeks till then. Honestly, I don’t think I can bring my chemistry grade up to a B. I’m not very good at memorization, but what I can get into my head, I can progress with the logic and reason. Math parts are the easiest. I can get my Chem lab grade up to a B with the next test. The first test was online and obviously didn’t like my sig figs.</p>