Will the engineering computer tablet requirement finally die off?

<p>So I think its been established on here in multiple threads that no one likes the computer requirement for engineers. I understand the whole "invent the future" la-di-da and I'm sure VT has some sort of financial agreement set up with the PC vendors which has led to Tech being pretty adamant about not stopping. However, with the tablet industry heating up and advancing so quickly do you think they will alter/change the requirement a bit? </p>

<p>Here's my thinking. As of now we need tablet computers. But actual tablets, like ipad type tablets, are gaining traction. We got quad core capabilities coming shortly with Kal-el from Nvidia and I'm sure there will be other quad core options, like from the snapdragon family. So the horsepower is there. Windows 8 is coming in a year or so which makes running the programs we need accessible. There won't be any argument about iOS or Android not supporting this and that software. So software support should be there. Lenovo is making strides in both pen input and business needs on some of their tablets. Functionality is there. Tablets are far thinner than the tablet computers we lug around. So wouldn't a switch to some sort of tablet make sense within several years? No more tablet PC requirement but a windows 8 kind of tablet requirement. The only speed bump I see, and its a big one I admit, is the contracts that I'm sure VT has with the current PC brands. Thoughts? Discussion ideas?</p>

<p>Or hell, maybe by then they'll say screw the requirement. I know they get plenty of complaints. But that's like hoping apple will support flash. So I suppose that's out the window. In the end, I'd be perfectly fine, and would support, settling with the change to a windows 8 tablet.</p>

<p>“I’m sure VT has some sort of financial agreement set up with the PC vendors”</p>

<p>Ding ding ding ding</p>