Will this help my application?

<p>I'm in 8th grade right now and I've been taking karate for a couple of years, and I've gotten to a black belt. I have been to many state and national tournaments such as Jr. Olympics and nationals and won many gold, silver, and bronze medals. Would this help my college application? I apologize if this is in the wrong section, if it is, could someone point me in the right direction?</p>

<p>God, you are even younger than me! :smiley: Well, yeah, that would certainly help your college application. But you are still young, my friend, don’t sweat it and have fun! XD</p>

<p>My, you are even younger than me! :smiley:
Yep, that would certainly help. But you are still young, my friend, don’t oversweat it and have fun! 8D</p>

<p>Ah, well I have a lot of spare time considering that there are no clubs or after school activites at school, and it’s spring break. But thanks</p>

<p>Oh god. What’s next – a question wondering if winning a poetry award in 4th grade will help a college application?</p>

<p>Well… I was actually about to ask someone, but seriously, it was a 3rd grade inter-provincial. :slight_smile: …Jokes aside, as much as it will help, it will also prob make me look desperate.</p>

<p>You’re only counting things from grades 9-12. I’m not so sure it would unless you continue it.</p>