Will this hurt me a lot?

<p>I have an 800 in US History and a 790 in World History (SAT 2's), but in Literature I got the pitiful score of 650. I retook this test when I was sick, and got a 640. Because I didn't think this would reflect on me well (or on my top capacity), I cancelled the score but it still got sent to Duke for some reason (darn you, CollegeBoard!!!!). </p>

<p>Will this hurt me a lot. I know Duke says they only look at the top two SAT 2's, but am just wondering.</p>

<p>Note: I have already gotten into Chapel Hill and was nominated for the Robertson with Chapel Hill as my host school and Duke as my sister school.</p>

<p>I swear, waiting for the decision is terribly stressing; I don't know how I'll survive until the end of March!</p>

<p>bump :slight_smile: 10 char :P</p>

<p>Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal. It probably won’t even hurt you at all, 650 is not that bad and it is your third SAT II.</p>

<p>There are better things to worry about.
Everything is in; your fate has been locked. go live your life. :"]</p>