<p>For a sophomore with lots of ECs and science, history and English as strong points.</p>
<p>AP Biology (already took bio honors)
AP Environmental Science (already took honors earth)
AP Psychology
Honors Chemistry
Honors Civics+Economics (req)
Honors English 2 (req)
Honors Algebra II (I'm taking pre calc over the summer for college credit)
MAndarin 1 (first sem) Mandarin 2 (second sem)</p>
<p>I might take spanish instead.</p>
<p>thanks! Suggestions?</p>
<p>It looks manageable. It depends on you and your school. At my school, AP Bio is the hardest AP class because those kids spend over 13 hours on homework every other day. (we have a block schedule, so it’s every other day.) AP Environmental is also very difficult here. I’ve spent up to 8 hours on one homework assignment. It really depends.</p>
<p>Just a warning from someone who’s made this mistake, the AP Env and AP Psych exam are on the same day. I have to take those 2 on Monday
I just wish someone would’ve let me know before signing up for both at once.</p>
<p>oh thanks for telling me this!!! :)</p>
<p>Also, Algebra 2 is the precursor to Pre-Calc, so why are you going backwards?</p>
<p>If you have taken Spanish your previous years, stick with it and don’t change languages. From what I’ve heard, colleges prefer that you learn one language and become nearly fluent in it. Plus you can then take placement exams at a university and possibly avoid the entry level grammar classes. Also, at my school AP Psych is one semester and it is one of the hardest classes because of all of the content. If it is one semester at your school be aware of this. Altogether it’s a fun and interesting class, just has a lot to memorise!</p>
<p>Wow!! You’re so lucky you get to take 3 APs in 10th grade!!! Good Luck!!!:)</p>