On my Conditions of Admission, it states that, “Complete all transferable in progress or planned courses with a GPA of 3.20 or higher, with no grade less than “C,” by the end of your spring term.”
Does it mean the overall GPA for each separate quarter up to my spring term (I am going to a school in the quarter system) has to be over 3.2? Or does it mean that the overall GPA for all of the in progress and planned courses need to be over 3.2?
I did particular well in my Winter quarter (2 As and 1 A+) as well as the quarters in the past (my cGPA is over 3.9 not including this quarter). However, this quarter, due to some personal issues that put serious psychological strains on me, I couldn’t do my best and mostly likely would finish the quarter with a 3.0 (no grade less than B-, for no major requirements, it’s just that the overall GPA would fall under 3.2)
So I am not sure how my required GPA would be calculated at this point? Will UC Davis rescind my admission? I can’t ask UC Davis yet because my grades for this quarter haven’t been finalized, but I am worried sick at this point :-s
Hmmm, it sounds to me like it is saying cumulative for winter and spring, as it is not breaking it down by term. But this is just my conjecture.
To ease your mind, do you think there is any way you can get one of the profs to raise the grade ever so slightly? Or maybe you did better than you think. ??
I also hope that it is my cumulative GPA for Winter and Spring quarters (which would be around 3.48), but because not many community colleges are on quarter system so I am not really sure how to handle it.
I wish I could beg one of my profs to raise my grade, but I don’t think they would possibly agree to do so 
So should I wait until the grades are finalized, which would not be until next week, or contact UC Davis at this point to ease my mind?
well, you could contact them and ask for clarification. If you know it’s a B, you could discuss it if they say by term. (I really don’t think they’re going to say that though, especially after mentioning the C part. I mean, if they’re allowing Cs then trying to keep a 3.2 by term is kind of hard.)
Well they say that “To achieve the minimum overall UC-transferable grade point average required, you may need to achieve higher than “C” grades. In addition, you must be in good standing at each collegiate institution that you have attended.”
The way I get it is that C is allowed, but the average GPA has to be equal for higher to match the required GPA.
I will definitely contact UC Davis for clarification.
If they said to achieve minimum OVERALL… that means cumulative.
I think they mean cumulative for both winter and spring. Since most CCCs are on semester and only have 1 term after the Fall, it would make sense to combine your winter and Spring quarters, into 1 cumulative requirement.
Yep, it sounds like it’s cumulative.
Davis confirmed that the GPA is cumulative for Winter and Spring. So I’m pretty sure I’m in!
Don’t worry, as long as you don’t get below a grade of C and your cumulative UC-transferable GPA (Including your last CC semester) is still above a 3.20, you are fine.