Will UFlorida rescind my offer if I get a 2 or 3 in one of my IB exams?

I am an international student who’s decided on attending UF in August. I’m worried that I’m going to fail one of my HL exams because I missed a lot of my classes due to depression. Additionally, it’s just never been my strong subject and I actually don’t like it very much. So now I’m wondering if UF will withdraw their admission offer if I fail this subject but do well in everything else. It’s really just this one class I’m concerned about.

Note: Our final transcript reflects purely and solely our IB grades, which will be sent to us and our universities a few months after we take them. I also don’t really care if I don’t get any college credits at this point and only care about whether I will still be able to keep my offer.

Also, I realize that screwed up so minimizing the “you still have time to study” and “you shouldn’t have done this” comments would be greatly appreciated. :S

Thank you!

No, US colleges don’t rescind because of IB scores, nothing to worry about.

@SilverStag88 Thanks for replying. So even if my grade changes significantly?

UF only uses your IB, AP, and AICE scores to award college credit or class placement. It is not used in admissions.

In other words, don’t worry about it. :slight_smile:

Please reread the original post. The OP is an international student whose final grades are based solely on the IB scores. So, yes, if you fail the exam, you run the risk of being rescinded, as a US applicant would if s/he presented a D or F on the final transcript.

Having said that, don’t worry about things that have not happened and may not happen. More than likely, you’ll pass your IB exams and will be fine. The admissions process is stressful enough without worrying about what might occur. Good luck.