<p>I was deferred ED, and sent in new stuff for UVA. I wrote 2 essays. One of the essays was the "why UVA" essay, but I envision a day there. The other essay is a rewritten personal statement. I also wrote a personal letter to Mr Blackburn and included a activity sheet. Lastly I sent 2 letters of recommendation. One from my Tabla (Indian Drums) teacher who I learned from for 10 years, and another from a former UVA student. My first semester grades are all A's and im in IB program. Okay, my question is if UVA will read all the stuff I sent? Like I was on their website and they said that if you were deferred ur application will be read again during the winter months. The problem is that I didnt send in my stuff until early January. Has UVA already made a decision for me without looking at my sups??</p>
<p>No idea...sending in the extra information definitely wouldn't hurt though. UVA also loves seeing an awesome Midyear Report (straight As!) Good luck!</p>
<p>thanx coquettish!</p>
<p>i called the office of admissions, but they said they couldnt verify if my stuff was sent. I just hope its all there!</p>
<p>I've heard that they don't look at us deferees again until after looking at most of the RD apps, which is a shame. In December I sent in 3 new recs, a graded paper I did for AP English Lit, a letter of intent, and crappy midyear grades. Good luck to you.</p>
<p>I hope they just look at my app now, because it has all the extra stuff hopefully, god i dont even know if its in my file. All I know is that it reached UVA, so rest assured its in my file! It seems though that adcoms are under review for all the applications, which is obvious, but I mean couldnt they have like called a dean or something and transferred me directly so I could ask? Are applicants not allowed to talk to the deans during the review process??</p>
<p>btw, here is the email I recieved from UVA</p>
<p>Hi Ashish</p>
<p>Unfortunately because your file is in the process of being re-reviewed I cannot check to see if your supplemental information is in there at this time.</p>
<p>I think it was a dean who sent it, her name was Stacey, but im not sure.</p>
<p>Stacey Benzel? Yeah, she's a dean. I don't think you should worry.</p>
<p>yea Stacey Benzel. Im pretty sure everything is in, but would you think shes talking about me or all the deferrees</p>
<p>Hard to say.</p>
<p>Don't worry...they have so much paperwork to sort through right now...it will end up in the right place eventually. If you are worried, deluge them with e-mails and phone calls!</p>