Will we see a decrease in the # of CS majors?

Referencing the example I gave, I was thinking in particular of three different 20-somethings I know, two now in their 30s and raising families. All men, by the way. Very happy with their lives, and at least one pleasantly surprised by the career options that unexpectedly arose. Who knows how they’ll feel in their 70s. :woman_shrugging:

Maybe the pandemic and the whole remote work phenomenon has created some permanent shifts in how people will live. Time will tell.

I’m going to PM you

The reason for rise in tech in the last few years was the pandemic. This was just like the 1999 dot com crash. It basically forced EVERY retail shop to become an e-commerce company or risk going out of business. Not to mention all the billion-dollar upgrades to internet infrastructure to support large scale video conferencing. That lasted a year, then there was a sharp decline as people started going back to normal. It turns out, most boutique designer popcorn shops don’t need an expensive app for curbside pick-up. People realized there are better and cheaper places to shop than Amazon. Work dried-up and the ones with the inflated salaries were the first to get laid off.

Will CS become less popular? Not really. Tech still remains highly employable, but you won’t see those highly inflated salaries for a long time. I expect salaries to be more reasonable for the foreseeable future.

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