William & Mary Class of 2027 Official Thread

Postcards only go out to a small percentage of accepted students, usually those with high stats. So don’t worry if one doesn’t appear. They let the students know that they should expect an acceptance in March.

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He applied RD but very early on. Postcards only go to about 25% so hang in there!

Congrats to the postcard recipients!! Hopefully you and your senior can now relax a bit and celebrate!!


My daughter got a cypher postcard last year. She applied RD, and was elated! Congratulations to all the recipients, W&M is a special place


My daughter got a postcard with a lovely handwritten note today.


Where do you live? Watching the mail here in wisconsin.


We live on Long Island in New York (suburb of NYC) . GOOD LUCK!

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I have a '23 W&M student and an incoming '27 student. Ahhh the postcard … a very odd tradition at W&M. Wonderful for people who get one and angst causing for those who do not. Hotly debated every year for sure. If you get one … fantastic! If not, try not to sweat it. I think they only send them to something like 20% of those they admit. Hang in there everyone! And Go Tribe!

Can I ask if these postcards were for RD or EA2? Thanks

It is only for RD. Its like a “likely letter” for the top RD candidates—to get them excited early! And it works!


W&M doesn’t have EA, only ED1 and ED2 … so they only send the postcards in the regular round. (Because ED1 and ED2 admits are binding.) The idea is to get kids excited and let them know an admit is coming (and hopefully not commit elsewhere). I do know of SUPER high stat kids who did NOT get one (not my own but other students). They definitely are sent to high stat kids but not ALL high stat kids if that makes sense. The postcards definitely drive enthusiasm and suspense!

Typically the postcards go to those who apply earlier for RD. Many RD applications haven’t even been evaluated at this point.


Application timing isn’t related among the ones we know: Same school, similar stats, one applied in late November, got the card second half of February, other applied days before the deadline(mine), got one in the first "wave"that year. Many other above-WM-75th%ile-stat kids who later were admitted did not get a card, so it is more holistic.

My daughter received the W&M postcard yesterday - she is so excited! And the handwritten message at the end was related to what she wrote about in her essay. Such a sweet personal touch. She applied kind of early - way before the deadline. I think that there are a lot of applications that they haven’t even looked at at this point. That’s why only some are getting the postcards.


Is there a Common data set or average stats for WM admits?

I think I have a good/decent chance, but I’m just pedantically searching for more info, especially after getting steamrolled by public ivies a few days ago.

The middle 50% range for the Class of 2026 is 1380-1520 (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing + Math) on the SAT or 32-34 on the ACT.

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They also already released the complete common data set for Fall '22 (class of 2026)

For ED I & II there was a 18% increase in applications. I would expect similar for RD.

W&M receives record total of Early Decision applications – W&M News (wm.edu)

Good Luck to everyone, and fingers crossed for good news.


Looks like 40% of the class has already been filled by ED applicants, and there was a 10% increase in students accepted during the ED round compared to prior years, so I’d expect the number of people admitted during RD to decrease pretty significantly.


That leaves about 986 spots remaining for 16,040 applicants. That adds to the stress a bit for the RD pool. Even more for those of us OOS. If the yield is 26%, that will make about 3792 offers of admission remaining.


I am not sure if your numbers are correct. I think maybe W&M’s reported yield includes early decision admits which would yield close to 100%, and would make the yield for regular decision much lower than 26%. Last year there were 18,000 total applicants and they extended over 6000 offers. That would mean around 5300 offers in the regular round. Maybe more hopeful than you think🥰
Good luck to your student and everyone still waiting. My freshman absolutely loves W&M.