Williams College Early Decision for Fall 2024 Admission

Thanks. Finally got it to work by changing to a windows based machine. Seems slideroom is having an issue today.

I hope youā€™re right. But this isnā€™t the way the essay is presented in the Common App. Itā€™s provided as a ā€œrequiredā€ not optional essay. And thereā€™s no mention of it being short or quick. Rather, it has a 6,000-character limit, which comes to 900-1,500 words. I assume that a page or two is all that Williams expects, but those expectations are not clearly articulated anywhere. And the question, particularly the first part, is a heady one: ā€œHow have your arts experiences impacted your view of art in the world and in your own life? How might you envision yourself engaging with the arts at Williams?ā€

S24 wrote a one paragraph summary of who he is as a musician and what his goals are at WIlliams. His statement was clear and his supplements are excellent. I think you may be reading too much into this

It may seem heady but keep in mind it really is an opportunity for the art student to provide some basic context for the portfolio they are submitting, it does not need to elaborate or well written. If you met an art professor and they asked the same question, your answer could be pretty basic, you could talk about that first drawing class or how a friend took an interest in something you created and that was a confidence booster, etc. Maybe ask your art teacher about it.

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Thanks, TennisParent. I appreciate your efforts to keep us in the know!

Certainly, and congrats to all who got their applications turned in by the deadline today!


My sonā€™s optional paper is six pages long. Should he submit the first five pages or all of it? He went to an info session and they mentioned not editing it but he canā€™t remember if you are allowed to submit an extra page. Thanks.

Not sure, but would submit the entire essay even if it exceeds the limit, one extra page should be ok.


Thanks. He tried to call but admissions number was busy. A good reminder to him not to wait for the last day for all of this. Appreciate your response.


I canā€™t imagine that their length issue is a hard cutoff. Worst case is they only read the first few pages, right?

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Agreed, you could also email the entire document to the supplemental materials email address to be on the safe side.

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First quarter grades came out today. Does anyone know if Williams accepts and how to send? Will have S24 email them today but curious if anyone has done so already.

I believe that the first quarter grades are not required for ED, Amherst specifically asks for them on their website but Williams does not. In any case, the grades would be sent by the school counselor and would not be sent by the applicant usually.


S24 emailed about first quarter grades. They said to email them if you want. Very non committal.

Interesting, would send then if the grades are strong, could make a difference but since they do not require not sure if it would change things. Seems like Williams tries to reduce barriers to applicants and streamline the process, only requires what they truly need to make an assessment, so first quarter grades just would complicate the process.


Does Williams typically announce ED results prior to the Dec. 15 date?

Iā€™ve heard itā€™s typically the Friday before 12/15, but given that this year 12/15 is a Friday, hard to predict if it would move a full week earlier. Iā€™d bet by early December there will be an update from admissions.

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I heard it will come out dec 15 but i could be wrong

Typically on a Friday before the 15th, so could be as early as December 8. They will definitely post an announcement about the release date in early December.

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