Willing to answer Questions about Baruch

<p>I am a Baruch Alumni and just toured Baruch. If you have any questions about the school, I would be glad to try to answer them. Some of what you may want to know will be found in the thread, “Consider Baruch for Business.”</p>

<p>I also want to mention something very important. All schools send out admit letters to more students than they want to admit because they know that there will be a certain amount of breakage. For the 2011-2012 year, they had an above average number of acceptances. Thus, they will be accepting fewer students for 2012-2013. Admission should be a bit harder for this year. Be aware of this.</p>

<p>I’m a resident of long island but don’t wish to commute everyday. What is the housing situation like at Baruch? What if you are a student of Macaulay at Baruch? Does housing tend to change?</p>

<p>eg I think they made a deal with another college for dorm space regardless of your major. Frankly, you might want to look for housing in Manhattan and share a house with people your age or get your own small appartment. Brooklyn would also be a good choice if you are near a train station. Craig’s list is your friend.</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, I too lived on Long Island and commuted via the Long Island Rail Road. It took about 40 minutes to get to Penn Station and I walked the way to Baruch. It was a good walk and I always grabbed something tasty for breakfast. You may, however, not want that type of lifestyle.</p>

<p>Moreover, I was in great shape having just left the army. Thus,the 20block walk wasn’t daunting to me at all.</p>

<p>You mentioned that admissions for 2012-2013 will be harder.
I’m about to finish junior year of high school in around 1-2 months and my GPA was a 3.3 until now but I’m afraid it will drop to a 3.0 due to my Architecture class.
Thus, my question is, what are the chances that I can get into Baruch?
My brother mentioned that Baruch also considers the Math SAT score quite heavily for acceptance. Is this true?</p>

<p>beautyofJoy, you won’t know until you apply. I would staill apply to Baruch if I were you.</p>

<p>Have you taken classes like MKT - 3000, BUS - 1000, ECO - 1001? Are they considered time consuming? Do they require a lot of writing or reading?</p>

<p>I have 5 3 credit coures on my schedule right now. Since it’s my first time taking business courses at Baruch, I’m not sure how much work is given. Could you please give me a gist of what you know? Thanks</p>

<p>I have taken basic business courses as an accounting major. As I recollect, intro to marketing and business isn’t that time consuming. Even economics wasn’t bad.However, money and banking was a lot of work if you want an “A” in that course.</p>

<p>i got accepted to binghamton university through a program known as binghamton advantage program. basically i have to go to broome communitycollege for a year before i transfer to harpur college in bing. However i have to stay in harpur college and i was told it would be harder for me to transfer to the school of management. </p>

<p>Then a month after, baruch send me their admission letter and i was accepted. Is the economics or finance in baruch good as well? Those are what i was originally planning to take in bing. Also which would you prefer? going to bing in my situation or just going to baruch?</p>

<p>is it alright if you email me? i am really in a dilemma at the moment. xilyn1*********** by the way, thankyou so much for doing this</p>

<p>Xilyn1, Baruch is every bit as good as Harpur and probably more connected. Frankly, I would take the school that offers you the lowest overall cost UNLESS admission to Harpur business is contingent on getting a high GPA. At that point, I would go to Baruch. My opinion is that kids shouldn’t go to a school that requires a high freshmen GPA in order to get into the school of business.</p>

<p>Is it necessary to attend college orientation? What happens if you don’t? I’m an incoming freshman to Baruch and was wondering if I actually had to attend. My family has already decided that we’re going out of the country for most of the summer so I will be missing the orientation dates.</p>

for transfer students do they still look at sat scores?
and im currently attending community college with 36 credits total for now /gpa of 3.5; want to transferto baruch for spring 2013 term. do you think i could get in? and what
was the average transfer students’ gpa for this fall 2012 term? and when is the earliest time to apply for transfer for 2013 spring term?
thank you!</p>

<p>You will have to call admission,but I would bet that Baruch doesn’t look at SAT scores for transfer students with at least 30 credits.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, sorry to post this now but i just received my sat scores. I got the same, 1070(CR-470 M-600), I have a 91.68 GPA(about 3.7). I’m a senior I’ve taken AP calculus ab, AP US History, 3 college now classes, and currently AP statistics. I have about 40 hours of community service and I am desperate to get into Baruch because I hear its very popular for its business programs. Please, how are my chances looking? I also am; submitting 2 letters of recommendation(one from the head of the math dept. at my school) and 1 college essay</p>

<p>hslife27, your SATs are a bit low. I will not lie to you. However, with your relatively high
GP.A, you may still have a chance. Thus, I would apply.However,do what you can do in order to raise your verbal SATs a bit.</p>

<p>Hello. I was looking at the transfer info in their website. I believe it says you won’t get your transfer evaluation until transfer orientation. So my concern is, if I were to get accepted I’d have to go to orientation just to see if my credits will transfer. I’m from out of state and if they won’t accept them then that seems like a huge waste of both our time. Is there a better way to find out if Baruch would accept my transfer classes? They would be transferred as an associates if that makes a difference.</p>

<p>Angeliajm, no one can really answer your question here. You need to call admission and check with them.</p>

<p>Ok thank you. I heard they will not tell you over the phone what will transfer. Guess I’ll just have to go to orientation.</p>

<p>I’m a sophmore at York College, and I’m transferring to Baruch for Spring 2013. Last week I went in to give in my immunization forms and my deposit. This past Monday someone named Teresa Lopez emailed me telling my that my blood test results and vaccinations for MMR were negative. So I went back to my doctor to ask if everything is okay and he said i’m TOTALLY fine, all my results were positive and I’m IMMUNE to MMR which is the disease for measles, mumps, and rubella. So today I went back taking my results again, and I printed out my Immunization form from York College, which is another CUNY that also said I’m perfecty fine, and submitted it in again. And another lady at the front desk said that everything was negative again. Then she said shes going to give the papers to Teresa on Monday and explain the situation because thats when shes in the office. But it can’t be negative, because my doctor and the medical office at my current college said everything was fine and i’m perfectly immune. Are they reading it wrong? Someone who works in a College Undergrad Office can’t possibly argue with a doctor whose been trained, working in the field and reading these results for years right? I mean, it doesn’t even make any sense. I don’t have time to keep going back and forth every week to fix things. I have work, finals, school and I live in Queens. What do I do? HELP!!!</p>