Willing to answer Questions about Baruch

<p>Finally, guys! I called and emailed them several times and hopefully they answered. I got accepted for fall 2013. Good luck to those who is still waiting!</p>

<p>What’s your take on social life at baruch? From what I’ve read, many people add to the notion that as a NYC commuter school, baruch is a school that’s hard to socialize and make friends in. I don’t know anyone else who’s going there so far and I feel like I’m going to hate it if its high school pt.2. I think I’m dorming there if I can, so hopefully that helps.</p>

<p>yea I’m wondering the same thing klyn, really worried about the social life at Baruch.</p>

<p>Hi taxguy, I got accepted to Baruch College. But on my eSIMS, it says there is a hold on my record. What does this mean? Does this mean I was put on the waiting list?
Also for the FAFSA, I enter the code for City University of New York- Central, which is 002686. I wonder if Baruch College is going to receive my FAFSA Application.

<p>Xxgantz. I do not work for admission. If I were you, I would call admission ASAP and ask them what “a hold” means?</p>

<p>Hi all, </p>

<p>I applied to CUNY Baruch on the later side of the deadline (but still before the deadline), I have yet to hear from them (although I expect to soon). I was wondering what you guys think my chances are to get into the school. </p>

<p>My GPA Weighted is a 4.0
Unweighted: Approx 3.7 </p>

<p>My SAT Score is a 1790 (1150 M&V) Those are the best of the three sittings </p>

<p>I am in a highly accelerated program in high school with all AP courses in my senior year and multiple accelerated and AP courses before senior year. </p>

<p>What do you guys think?</p>

<p>do you know anything about appeals to baruch?
just got rejected and im quite</p>

<p>what is your GPA & SAT statistics?</p>

<p>Hi taxguy. I have been accepted to Baruch and will most likely attend. Here comes the hard part. I have no idea whether to do finance or applied statistics and quantitative modeling at Baruch. I heard the applied statistics and quantitative major at Baruch is one of the hardest majors, if not the hardest. I wouldn’t mind grinding my way through the math and programming since I like programming, and I will do fine in math if I study a little bit. The problem here is that I don’t know if it will be worth getting this major at Baruch. Based on the course description, it looks a lot harder than finance but im not sure how employers look at this major, and if I would get more out of majoring in finance.</p>

<p>Anybody know when the Baruch scholar’s decision will be mailed out?</p>

<p>Hi Taxguy, </p>

<p>I am thinking of transferring to Baruch from a large state school. I am wondering how the social life is there/if there are any parties. My school has a lot of parties, something I sometimes like but can live without, so I’m wondering what I can expect if i transfer. Thanks</p>

<p>transfertobaruch, I can’t say for sure,but applied statistics has always been in demand in the past. In addition, you could always continue in actuary training from it. </p>

<p>NYkid12: You won’t see parties at Baruch per se. Let’s face it, there is a campus, although I do think that they have some dorms. However, Manhattan is your campus and has an endless number of things to do and see. Moreover, almost everyone there is your age. If you have any kind of personally, you should be able to meet people from class, hanging out, in the library etc. In addition there are tens of thousands of kids who go to nearby schools such as SVA, NYU etc that you can meet in bars, restaurants etc.</p>

<p>HI, I am considering a MS Statistics at Baruch. Anyone completed MS stats here from Baruch? hows the quality of teaching? appreciate your comments and opinions</p>

<p>Would you be able to answer this for me? </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/1531729-macaulay-essays.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/1531729-macaulay-essays.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Some background info:
3.87 GPA W (Academic academy at school…almost 94)
920 SAT CR+M
22 ACT (22 Writing/Combined English, 23 Math)
200+ hours of community service
3 AP classes by graduation
CollegeNow Stats</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.cuny.edu/admissions/undergraduate/downloads/Admission-Profile-2012.pdf[/url]”>http://www.cuny.edu/admissions/undergraduate/downloads/Admission-Profile-2012.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://www.cuny.edu/admissions/undergraduate/downloads/freshman-transfer-adm-profile-2011.pdf[/url]”>http://www.cuny.edu/admissions/undergraduate/downloads/freshman-transfer-adm-profile-2011.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Baruch is a great place for business and it’s only getting better.</p>

<p>I am looking to Major in Management and/or economics at Baruch College. How do my grades stack up? </p>

<p>-3.2 GPA
-1750 SAT (590 CR and 600 Math)
-26 ACT (I will re-take it this fall. I took the test in the spring when i had a terrible sickness and was in no condition to take a 4 hour long test. I am expecting a 28-30)
-5 AP Classes- Including SUPA Economics which i will take this year.
-I will have an amazing letter of recommendation from a CEO whom i am an intern for.
-I participate in DECA, FBLA, Chess Club and several other in-school clubs.
-I will also send in an essay. Is the essay really optional at Baruch?</p>

<p>I heard there are not many dorms. Is this true? If i was accepted and needed a dorm because i do not live in NYC is there competition to get in a dorm? Would i be forced to find my own place? Or is it safe to say i will get in a Baruch dorm?</p>

<p>I toured Baruch for an undergraduate open house. I spoke with an admission counselor, but he came off as very rude and shallow to me. Is it true that you need “that” GPA and “that” test score? Do they emphasize the SAT as much as your GPA? He made it seem like if you dont have it, they will not consider you. I have a 3.9 weighted GPA. I am part of a rigorous honors program at school. Lots of ECs, work experience, & service hours. By the time I graduate, I will have 3 APs and two college courses. I have a 1530 as my current score (ACT conversion…22) Will Baruch put emphasis that I have a lower test score rather than a higher GPA? Thanks.</p>

<p>Do you know what the Dean’s Scholar program is and how it differs from the Baruch Scholars program? I was invited to apply for the Dean’s Scholars program, and while I can find pages which list both the Baruch and Dean’s Scholars programs as existing, I cannot find a page which explains what the Dean’s program is beyond the benefits identical to the Baruch Scholars program. </p>

<p>I just got rejected from NYU and was thinking about baruch as my second choice. I just got in hopefully though the Macaulay honors program (find out march 15th) and was wondering how the Social life is. I am either going to dorm or get an apartment.</p>

<p>So my question is how hard is it to meet people? Are there at parties? How is the dating life? (I’m the type of guy that prefers serious and long relationships over random hookups)</p>