Willing to answer Questions about Baruch

<p>I have a 2.8 GPA and I 1100 sat (610 math 500 reading) I am also not from the US, I am from Moskow and lived in the U.S. only for 5 years. Do I have any chance of getting in? My grades did improve from 78 10th grade to 89 12 grade. </p>

<p>NYUhopeful1. I isn’t hard to meet people if you are outgoing and take the initiative. However, Baruch, doesn’t have a campus per se. Manhattan is your campus. Thus, people don’t normally live in dorms ,which is one great way to meet friends. However, meeting people is doable as I noted above. I had several girlfriends while I was a student there. I frankly don’t think it is that different from NYU too in that regard.</p>

<p>Valerk0: I think you have a chance and should apply. Admittedly, you will be on the lower end of the admitted applicants,but you do have a chance. I do think, however, that you should retake your SATs or start taking the ACT ,which might be better for you.</p>

I posted a thread regarding a question about Baruch but no one seems to know the answer so I’m hoping you would know.
I looked everywhere in their website about the supplementary essay, and I don’t see any indications on word limits. So, is it safe to assume that I can go over 650 words? I know there is a word limit for Hunter College’s supplementary essay, but there doesn’t seem to be any for Baruch. I’d like to check to make sure before I submit an essay that might have went over the word limit.</p>

<p>Hey tax guy my professor told me that I only need a gpa of 3.2 to get into Baruch. He said that I don’t need a recommendation letters, essays, extra curricular and job experience I just need a 3.2 gpa is that true? Also can you chance me? I have a 3.15-3.2 gpa after this fall semester. I have rigorous internship, volunteer and extra curricular activities. What are my chances of transferring to baruch?</p>

<p>I don’t know about the exact admission requirements on Baruch’s site;however, I think that you have a very good chance with your GPA</p>

The other day I read that only a certain amount of students in NYU could get an A. I don’t know how old that information is, so I’m not sure if that still applies in that school, but I’m curious to know if Baruch had the same grading policy.

So I was wondering about Baruch in general because right now I am debating between Drexel/Baruch. Can someone please describe the housing situation, the job % at the end of college, party atmosphere etc? Also I was wondering if there is an indian community within Baruch and if there are dance teams etc. Any information would be helpful…thanks!

Current student at Baruch and I’m transferring out after this semester. I wrote up a thread discussing some of my frustrations. A lot of it pertains to my disappointments with the Macaulay program, but it gives a general sense of why I felt that even a free honors program didn’t make Baruch worth it for me: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/18142682#Comment_18142682

One thing I didn’t touch on in the thread that I can answer you about is housing: Baruch rents out a small number of dorms in a privately run dorm building shared by a bunch of other colleges way up on 96th street (Do not underestimate how far away this is. I wake up 2 and a half hours before my 1st class just to make sure I get to class on time. The 4/5/6 trains are broken at best and hell on earth during rush hour.). All rooms are 2-3 to a room and cramped. Beds felt hard when I tried them on the tour and a friend who lived there said he moved out because it was too loud and he couldn’t study. There are other non-Baruch options, but they will obviously be either more expensive or even further from the school. I live at the 92Y and my friend who moved from the Baruch dorm lives an hour and a half away from the school in Brooklyn.

Does anyone know if they give you the decision on Dean’s Scholar Program separate from the actual acceptance letter. I got an invitation to apply to the Dean’s Program, but they sent me my acceptance without the decision. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello! I’m a senior in high school currently (graduating in 2016) and I will be taking my SATs in October. My pass SAT score wasn’t as good (CR: 580 M: 480) but I am taking classes to improve them. My GPA is an 81, I have taken AP Language and AP Government while currently taking AP Literature. I was wondering how well my chances are if I improve my SAT score? And what would you consider to be my goal for a SAT score?

Thank you!