Willing to Chance People

<p>how would I do that. could I send them an E-mail asking to consider that when they look into my application?</p>

<p>claire1016: i would say in at everything! (i don’t even have to go through every single one :p) nice job especially on rank and SATs look solid for everything</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>tisaak: i guess it wouldn’t hurt if you tried that… I’m not sure i would ask your guidance councilor.</p>

<p>I’m gonna ask her to send a letter telling them my 92.57 instead of the 3.3 or whatever they got and explaining my low ACT. I might go to my pricipal though.</p>


<p>i say in at everything except johns hopkins is a slight reach but definately doable… and brown isn’t that much of a reach! its the least number oriented ivy! they go about their admissions very differently! so i think you actually do have a chance at brown good luck!</p>

<p>If I get one of them to do that how much better will my chances be?</p>

<p>tisaak: yeah i would do that… is 92 UW or W?</p>

<p>W I think but we don’t weight that much it usually doesn’t even affect the letter grade</p>

<p>i think they would go up ebcause your proving your one of (or the) top kid in your class! which looks really good to admission officers, id say in at SLU and GWU, georgetown still a reach, all depending on your essays and such though…</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>posted from another thread:
HS: Top 100 Public School
HS GPA: 3.01
HS Rank: n/a</p>

<p>SAT: 730 CR 660 math 700 writing
1390 / 1600, 2090 / 2400 took twice
SAT II: 650 Lit, 700 American
intended major: poli sci</p>

<p>rigor: 5 APs between soph-senior year: Lit, Gov, Psych, american, euro there is a multitude of harder courses i didn’t take but probably was a good idea if i wasn’t up to the work</p>

<p>hooks: hot sexy white male
EC: NY State Debate Champion, Debate/Congress Team Captain, 3 other clubs i did for 1 year each. I have a low to mid range amount of volunteer work.</p>

<p>edit: sorry looking for suggestions of where to apply</p>

<p>ow0rd: i would suggest: Boston University, Boston College, GWU, Georgetown (might be reach but what the hay) Tulane, NYU,</p>

<p>91.98 is UW</p>

<p>ow0rd: GWU, georgetown, Boston University, UMich, UDel, Tulane, NYU</p>

<p>91.98 UW is very good!!</p>

<p>what are your thoughts on american university</p>

<p>could you reccomend a college that is really good that I could look into. Please don’t say American University they don’t seem to have many EC’s and I want to continue alot of my Ec’s through college.</p>

<p>Not ragging on them It just doesn’t seem somewhere I’ll be interested in and ppl keep recommending it to me.</p>

<p>ow0rd: american is a really great, nice quality of life (i believe their rating was a 98 in princeton review for quality of life), perfect location,a and your stats match up very well! i believe you would get in. sorry i forgot about that one! haha</p>

<p>tisaak: did u say you wanted to continue them in college on ur apps because that would really look good and show you have passion for them and not just doing them to get into a “good college.” What do you think about liberal arts schools? They are nice and small, you usually form great relationships with professors, the community is very close, good ec opportunities… vassar, haverford, washington and lee, hamilton, bates, university of richmond (beautiful campus)
whats your intended major again?</p>


<p>do my chances go up with a SAT score even if it is low cause I actually do have one but I thought it’s lowness messed up my chances.</p>

<p>CR+M= 1110/1600
SAT= 1610/2400</p>