<p>Hey guys! </p>
<p>For the time being, I will gladly read all of your essays an critique them :). Just PM me with a title indicating what you're PMing me for.</p>
<p>In your message PLEASE include the topic of the essay (if it's a free topic, please say so) and the school(s) for which it's for (it will help me determine how harsh I will critique the essay).</p>
<p>I will announce on the thread when I will stop (when I get too many essays at 1 time, busy because of work or school, etc.).</p>
<p>So feel free to PM me :)</p>
<p>Also, please remember that I will most likely be reading a lot of these so sometimes it may take a day or so to respond. Please be patient. I’m going to give everyone a very thorough response.</p>
<p>I will testify. She did a very thorough job on my essay and was very good about it. Thanks again :D</p>
<p>*He lol. Thanks so much tmanneopen. I appreciate it. I really do try and help. I read 2 essays today (a few more in my inbox that I will read tomorrow) and I really just want to help. Considering this is one of the most important aspect of the application, I think it’s fair to have someone help tweak it (or just help give major suggestions). My main purpose IS to help.</p>
<p>I hate to hijack your thread, but since I don’t have much to do on CC anymore, I’m open to reading essays too
I’ve never critiqued any essays on CC before, but I’ve done it plenty of times for friends and I have no reason to take your topics since I’m leaving for college in a month!</p>
<p>I didn’t want to make a new thread about it since my requests are the same as the OP’s, so yeah
Sorry swim2daend …</p>
<p>I ould be really happy if you can read mines i’ll send i’ll PM it to you today</p>
<p>I sent it to both of you :)</p>
<p>Swim2daend i sent u mine</p>
<p>sorry. I’ve been just swamped with work and reading essays. I have 8 pending essays right now to read lol. Just be patient right now
I plan on reading all of them tmrw when I wake up.</p>
<p>can i send you both mine or are you too swamped?
i need help cutting it down/figuring out if its even good.
unfortunately, if i copy and paste, its a tiny bit too long to fit in a personal message</p>
<p>I remember swim2daend helped critique my essay last year and I did the same to him. He offered great advice. Great guy whose willing to help.</p>
<p>Are you still willing to read essays? Thanks a ton</p>