<p>Pros and cons, experiences, opinion, etc... I would love any info I can get. Thank you</p>
<p>Any info would be great! I am in between these two schools and there is not very much information out about either of them. I am unable to visit. Thank you again</p>
<p>Hi there! I am not attending either of these schools next year, but I visited both last fall and can give you some of my thoughts about them. One of the first things that comes to mind is the difference in vibe that I got between Governor’s and Williston Northampton. At Governor’s (which I did end up applying to), the campus was more tight-knit, felt warm and home-y, kind of like a picturesque New England school environment/what you probably picture in the fall at prep school. Everything was pretty contained and easy to walk to, and I got a feeling of a reasonably competitive atmosphere among the students (which I liked). At Williston Northampton, however, the vibe was different in a lot of ways. I felt as though the campus was much more sprawled out, with the students all over the place, the campus right in the middle of downtown (compared to Governor’s being outside of Newburyport). One of the things I liked about Williston was the student center, because it felt very geared-towards students. Williston also had these cool mailboxes where every student has a mailbox that delivered letters and packages are placed in. Personally, Governor’s was a better fit for me, and so I didn’t end up applying to Williston, but if you like the idea of being right in a town, and having to cross roads to get to the church, etc, then it might be a great fit for you. Best of luck, and let me know if you have any more questions!</p>
<p>I was also accepted to Governor’s for 2018. I don’t know much about Williston Northampton. But I know from my visit, Govs is HUGE about school culture, everyone seems to know each other and it gets really fun during their rival days against Brooks. Academic Rigor also seems strong after receiving a class catolouge. Congrats and I hope to see you at revisit days! </p>