Wimpy awards?

<p>Is it worth mentioning that you are a JV-B Captain of an academic team, or if you placed 2nd at regionals in mock trial or something like that? </p>

<p>If it is, should you mention things like "we were only 2 points away from 1st at regionals" or does that sound pretentious?</p>

<p>I would put both, but wouldn't bother saying "we were only 2 points away from 1st."</p>

<p>So all those lame things like doing Physics Bowl (one 60 min test after school one day) are game?</p>

<p>Also, say you are Co-President. (Like you and another person tied for President and they just made both of you president for a club) Is it OK to say that you are President? If you look at the article, you would have to say "a president" instead of "the president." Is ok to just say "Science Club-President" and avoid the articles and "Co-" altogether? Is that dishonest?</p>


<p>I think it's better to say co-president. It's not only more honest, but it shows that you can work well with others! :)</p>

<p>Wow, an oligarchy.</p>

<p>junior varsity academic teams?
i never really considered academic teams to be varsity or jv. now there's a new way to earn your letter!</p>

<p>Well, a lot of people joined up for this one lol</p>

<p>Yeah, I would go ahead and mention the awards and your position. The "we were only 2 points away from 1st at regionals" just sounds like you're making excuses, so I wouldn't put that part in.</p>

<p>I wasn't planning too. Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>I compete in mock trial, where do you live i might have gone against you. I live in NC.</p>

<p>Don't leave anything off the resume.</p>

<p>I live in Central WI...like it says to the left. lol</p>