<p>I'm going to make one last run for thoughts on which laptops I should get and I'm going to get very specific. </p>
<p>What I need:
~Incoming Freshman looking into Engineering- basically any windows 8 would fulfilled my school specs requirements.
~Thoughts and link on which Windows 8 laptops equipped with the new haswell intel processor aka gen 4.
~Disc/blu-ray player (I don't know what you call that pull out thing)
~Camera- for Skyping back home
~Powerful enough to play casual games like Sims 3. I won't be playing any MMO or CoD or any games (I will have PS3/PS4 for that).
~15 inches or larger screen. I don't like the small stuffs( ''13, ''14)- Carrying it around is NOT an issue (Unless it is like 15 pounds)
~Prefer touch screen
~Decent battery life (not 2 hours)
~Other suggestions like AMD processors and powerful 3rd gen Intel processors are appreciated.
~Max price range: I don't want to go too much over $1000</p>
<p>What I don't want(to hear):
~"I own a 13' Macbook air pro w Retina Display"- No. I'm not considering any Macs. Just no mention of Mac unless you are comparing to a PC or something.
~"Build a PC"- Also no. That required an extensive knowledge of computer (and I'm that person that uses Google as a last resort.) Also not lightly priced.
~Windows 7. -No windows 7 at all.
~"Don't get Windows 8. It's bad!" -I tried my friend's windows 8 w/ touch screen for a while and it was just a little tricky to learn. I rarely had an issue but most of my problems results from not knowing where/how to do something. </p>
<p>Thank in advance for the suggestions. If I missed something let me know.</p>
<p>I know Apple did a haswell refresh and the new macbook airs are getting like 55% more battery life, haswell however hasn’t shown much of a performance advantage.</p>
<p>I second looking into Lenovo computers. A close friend just got one. I don’t know what it’s called but the screen flips all the way around into a tablet. It’s nice. He hasn’t complained about it.</p>