Winter break final exams. Scheduling flights

<p>I see that some people have bought airline tickets for winter break. How do you know when they are done with finals that week of Dec 10-14? My son said his professors have not announced dates/ times of finals. Or do you just assume they need to stay the entire week and bring them home on Dec 15?</p>

<p>I’d start here: [Fall</a> 2012 Exam Schedule | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Fall”></p>

<p>This is my D’s first semester at UA, so I have no idea whether professors stick to this schedule. Since my D has a project due late on the 14th and I know she won’t be leaving before the 15th, I haven’t worried about the schedule too much.</p>

<p>in my experience, they pretty much stick to the schedule.</p>

<p>Beth’s Mom and Mike W- Thank you so much! I really appreciate the info!</p>

<p>Remember dorms close at 9:00 am Saturday Dec 15th</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Here is the airport shuttle schedule as well…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Usually the professors do stick with the schedules but sometimes there are conflicting times; two classes that would have exams at the same time, then it is up to the student to know this and make arrangements in advance.</p>

<p>If an exam is scheduled late on the last day of class, it has been our experience that the exam DOES take place at that time. Often, the exams are listed on the syllabus. For a definitive answer, you need to check with each professor.</p>

<p>As has been mentioned, not all classes have final exams and some classes with final exams have them before finals week. Some professors will let students take the finals with other class sections or at a different date, but most will have finals as scheduled. I knew already that one of my classes will have a final that Friday evening, so I booked a flight on Saturday that worked with the housing airport shuttle.</p>

<p>If your child is in CBHP expect them to be working until midnight on Dec. 14th. So you will want to plan accordingly.</p>

<p>^^^^Good advice aout CBH, they will need every minute. This advice applies for the first two semesters.</p>

Southwest AL just opened up flights through Jan 4 2016, and I was looking at Winter Break travel.

So, updating for 2015-2016:

Fall 2015 Academic Calendar:
Fall 2015 Final Exam Schedule:
Spring 2015 Academic Calendar:
Graduation calendar (NOT updated yet! but hopefully soon):

Yes, I just received a confirmation email that Spring 2016 classes do not resume until January 13 - which I thought must be a typo on the website, since this past January, we got my son back to school by the 4th for classes resuming on the 7th, but no, the Registrar’s office confirmed January 13. So we might get an extra ten days with my son this upcoming winter break - I am thrilled but wonder if he will be :slight_smile:

You can at least book the outbound flights (out of BHM)…and wait a few more weeks/months to book the return flight. Those booking on SWA should book their legs separately anyway, as has been discussed often here as a suggestion.

We always booked flights out on the Saturday morning, thus allowing ample time to finish projects/exams, and to clean the dorm room, pack and do laundry. It is much better to come back to a clean room, clean sheets and clean clothes. This way the student does not have to rush to do all this during finals week.

Jan. 13? Then they are allowing extra days for the football playoffs.

^ That is my understanding…it is nice to have a 4+ week break! Note to seniors that this pushes graduation out a week, too. :wink:

SWA just recently opened up their reservation window until March 8th, so if this airline works for you, check it out for return flights to UA after Winter Break. Winter Break 2016-17 is again 4+ weeks…yahoo!