Winter Break Job?

<p>Over this winter break I was planning on working for a few weeks. My break is about one month. Can anyone suggest any places that will hire a college-aged person for a few weeks? Also, can anyone tell about their experiences with a winter break job? Thanks.</p>

<p>If you:</p>

<p>1) just want to do something, consider volunteering at a charity like a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. They always need volunteers, particularly around this time of the year</p>

<p>2) just want to make money, many retailers hire seasonal workers around this time to deal with increased traffic due to the holiday shopping season. Though with the current economic situation, competition might be more intense</p>

<p>3) want some research experience, have some free time (more than a few hours a week), and have a local university nearby, consider contacting some labs and asking if they would like some help around the lab or something. This one is iffy as many people wouldn’t hire a student for a week or two of research.</p>

<p>Try for places that want seasonal help, maybe retail? Honestly, it is so hard to get a job. I had to withdraw from school, because of health for the fall. I was fine by mid-October and already have a job. Unfortunately, because of the economy I really didn’t get that many hours. I have been trying to get a job for like a month now. I tried a place that hosts banquets, they will only need me if someone leaves. I tried Starbucks and local grocery stores (like Shoprite etc.) They won’t hire me, because training takes too long and I’d only be around until the beginning of January. Barnes and Nobles might hire me, but they haven’t gotten back to me. Honestly, it is just so hard because most places hire the kids that worked there in HS or in the summer. Compounding this is the economy. Good luck!</p>

<p>All the great places to work at are taken or slimmed down because of the economy. I inadvertently stepped low and got two possibilities, both of them are small Indian restaurants where I’ll probably be a busboy or something. I’ll hopefully get one of them and if so I’ll be happy because I am NOT applying to Target again. So yeah unless you’ve got a reputable amount of experience you’ll probably have to step lower than most big retails.</p>