Winter Holiday..

<p>I'm just curious, do all of you study and everything during your Christmas holidays or do you go on family vacations and have a little R&R and forget about studying for a few weeks?</p>

<p>Study, planning on self-studying Physics C Mech over the break and finish college apps.</p>

<p>well I don’t study to begin with so ~~~ I’ll prolly end up reading some books though. Just picked up Notes From the Underground.</p>

<p>I’m doing a lot of pleasure reading, so I’m not being totally mindless. My vacation started on Thursday and I was a bit out of it for a while since I had surgery (oral, no big) on Friday, but I’ve finished two books and will probably finish another today if not tomorrow. I won’t get anything done after a while since my niece is coming and she’s terribly distracting.</p>

<p>My APUSH teacher gave us a winter break study calendar. A Chapter a day during break…</p>

<p>Winter break hasnt started yet… :(</p>

<p>I’m going on vacation with my family.</p>

<p>Once break starts however, ill be practicing some ACTs and self-studying some APs.</p>

<p>When our break starts, I’m gonna start self-studying APES. Sadly, I also have two books to read, but they’re nice and short, and I’m really into one and kinda in the other. Hiroshima and 1984. I love 1984, great book. Otherwise, just gonna slack off</p>

<p>I have to start getting serious about Academic Decathlon studying… which is a hefty amount of work because I haven’t read everything and we’re taking the tests to decide regulars/alternates on the 30th. ;__;</p>

<p>I also have to do some reading for APUSH… and finish writing cross examination questions for mock trial.</p>

<p>Basically, I have to catch up on a lot of work that I was supposed to have finished months ago, haha. I’m having a Christmas party with my friends on the upcoming Friday or Saturday, but after that, I have two mock trial meetings + one AD meeting during break. How relaxing! XD But it’s fine because our break is unusually long this year.</p>

<p>I want to finish Le Ton beau de Marot before I have to return it to the library, but that doesn’t look like it’s happening consider all this stuff I have to get done. ;\ It’s all right, I can borrow it again as a reward after finishing all a’ that work.</p>

<p>I’m going to work on some summer program apps. Also do some studying for AP’s, and finish homework. I’ll also study for the SAT. Go to some Christmas parties. That’s all.</p>

<p>I’m studying at a reasonable level. Which means I’m studying while on the phone and watching House.</p>

<p>I’m going to florida!!! and forgetting about work woohoooo</p>

<p>I have break this week and next. This week is 3 supplement essays (Yale, Harvard, Williams), next week is reading Grapes of Wrath, writing a paper on it, and writing a scholarship essay.</p>

<p>Luckily I’m all done with college stuff, so I won’t have to worry about that. I’ll probably do some major scholarship work and any school stuff I have to work on, but otherwise I’m excited to finally just take it easy for once. I can’t wait to be able to spend a whole day just reading for fun :)</p>

<p>Always planning on studying, but it never happens.</p>

<p>Whether I plan on studying or not, I’ve got about 30 hours of homework that needs to get done.</p>