Wireless Notebook Program

<p>My d will be starting in September and we may purchase a laptop through Geneseo's wireless notebook program. I've reviewed offerings in the past, and see that the new offering will be posted ~ May 1.</p>

<p>Does anyone have experience with this from previous years? Do many students take part? Apple or Dell? I'm thinking that with a 3 year warranty, technicians on campus will be familiar with these models which may be beneficial. Are thefts a problem in the dorms?</p>

<p>Anyone with experience here will be helpful.</p>


<p>To address whether theft is a problem:</p>

<p>At <a href="http://www.geneseo.edu/%7Epolice/statistics.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.geneseo.edu/~police/statistics.php&lt;/a>, it says that in 2004 3 burglaries were reported in residence halls (41 total in "all areas").</p>

<p>stumbled upon this messageboard somehow
I'm a senior at Geneseo, and I now regret getting the laptop package my freshman year. For the first few years my Thinkpad worked great, and then about one month after the warranty was up, the fan sounded like a roaring engine. It was to the point where I thought my computer would explode. CIT would not do anything to fix it, and IBM would've held onto my laptop for at least a month.</p>

<p>Luckily there is a local repair place, and the fan was replaced in less than a week and minimal monetary damage (under 200)</p>

<p>There are better deals out there. They hooked me in. If you do decide to get the package, make sure the warranty lasts your entire school career (4 years)</p>